Build America Buy America Compliant
For over 20 Years, Guardian Cable Systems LLC has been manufacturing and supplying exclusively 100% melted and manufactured in United States of America USA Galvanized and Galfan coated steel messenger strand and stranded wire products. These products are being used as the steel cable for supporting Fiber Optic Cable expanding 5G Internet access across the Country for the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment program (BEAD), Telecom, & CATV. 100% Certified Build America Buy America BABA Compliant. Each shipment is supplied with the melting mill and the manufacturing mill certificates. ​
All Products manufactured in Green Cove Springs, Florida USA
Baba Compliant Products: ASTM A475 & A363, A855 & A925
1/4" EHS A Galvanized Messenger Strand ID 14EHSA5000
5/16" EHS A Galvanized Messenger Strand ID 516EHSA5000
3/8" EHS A Galvanized Messenger Strand ID 38EHSA5000
1/4" EHS 95Zn5Al Messenger Strand ID 14EHS95Zn5Al5000
5/16" EHS 95Zn5Al Messenger Strand ID 516EHS95Zn5Al5000
3/8" EHS 95Zn5Al Messenger Strand ID 38EHS95Zn5Al5000